Join Us For Our Birthday!
In July, Skin Revival will celebrate it’s second anniversary. To say we are excited would be a slight understatement! We have had the opportunity to expand our service menu, strengthen our team, but most importantly we’ve continued to develop relationships with our patients at both clinics. The loyalty and trust you have shown us will never go unnoticed.
We are extremely excited to announce to you that our Medical Director, Dr. Gibbons, along with her colleague Dr. Driscoll, will be taking an active role in the clinic and expanding our medical division. They will be bringing on new treatments and products to elevate our service menu. The doctors will also be taking new and existing patients for medical injectables. The two of them have advanced injection training and take a team based approach in order to achieve the best cosmetic outcomes. The addition of their team inside the clinics is a step forward in our constant pursuit of a higher level of care.
The addition of Vivier to our back bar and retail section is being very well received by staff as well as patients. Not only do the products feel and smell amazing, but the results are more than impressive. Vivier is a Canadian owned pharmaceutical grade skin care company that manufactures in Montreal. Their products are filling out our retail menu and adding more treatment options for different skin types. Make sure you see the various Vivier Programs next time you’re in the clinic and ask which kit would be best for your skin type!
To celebrate everything good and exciting happening in our world we will be having a special 2 Year Open House at our Merivale Road location on July 25th from 2PM – 7PM! Save the date!
Treat Your Loved Ones!
Want to make someone feel truly spoiled? We’ve put together some special gift packages help to relax, refresh, or revitalize them whenever they need it!